Membership Information

You have selected the VML Member membership level.

 VML Membership  / Membership Renewal

I am at least 19 years of age and I will abide by the VML Policies and Directives and VML Code of Conduct. I agree to pay my membership dues and to provide my email address for mailing and administrative uses only. Vancouver Men in Leather (VML) shall keep addresses and other information confidential. VML does not sell nor loan out our mailing list to any individual, group, organization or business. I understand that contributions or gifts, including dues, are not deductible for income tax purposes. VML is a Gay Men’s Leather/Fetish social club.

The price for membership is $26.07 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).

Already have an account? Log in here

Make a Gift


If you would like to donate a little extra to your club select an amount and this will be added to your total.

Opt-In Mailing List

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