A massive thanks from the VML Board and Anniversary Committee to everyone who came out to celebrate our 20th Anniversary with us, you all helped make it such a success.
We appreciate all of the sponsors who donated so much: Little Sisters @littlesistersca, Top Drawers @topdrawers, Burley Barber @burlybarber, Flirty Rabbit @flirtyrabbit, Schnuck Didit Designs schnuckdidit, N. Johnston Art @njohnstonart, HIM @instahim, Steamworks @steamworksvancouver, Awl Together Leather @awltogetherleather, Wet Lube @wetlubricants, Bill Pusztai http://bill-pusztai.squarespace.com, and Pork Pie Designs @heyporkpie for the design of our anniversary t-shirts.
Glitch Events (https://encryptedevents.com/) provided some of the REALLY fun gear for our Friday party – it was great working with you!
DJ Ginger Bear @djgingerbear – thank you for tunes both Friday AND Saturday night!
Thank-you to the vendors who came out on Saturday to show off their wares and services: Messrs Leather @messrs_leather, Leather Sugar @leathersugar, Side Quest Art @sidequestwood.
Finally – our amazing community partners who have opened up their space for us and our visitors: The Sandman Hotel Davie Street, East Side Re-Rides @rerides, The Junction Pub @thejunctionpub, The Fountainhead Pub @thefountainheadpub, The Pumpjack Pub @thepumpjackpub, and finally, to the fantastic play space who we still need to keep hush-hush (don’t spill the beans, guys!).