VML Hoe 2024


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Please note that this competition is only open to VML paying members!
Join VML at 
https://vmlclub.com/membership/ if you need a membership!

This year we have planned a fun way to spend the last stretch of the year with a VERY sex positive competition! While this is more aimed at AMAB* subs, we encourage all subs to participate and we would like all Doms to help and fill these up when they are helping out since we will take that into consideration as well!

*AMAB = Assigned Male At Birth

Consent is of course very important here. So please make sure that you are getting people’s consent while taking photos and videos as well as when you are doing the task (when appropriate).

  • While doing things in public, please make sure to stay away from any entity/situation that could cause problems of all sorts.  
  • While we are setting this up for you, you are doing this at YOUR OWN RISK and we will have no responsibility!
  • By participating, you are agreeing to these rules.
  • Be smart and be safe!

How will this work?
Make sure to register to our Telegram channel to keep up with the updates.

  • Each week, before Sunday, before midnight tick the boxes of all the activities that you have done that week. We count on each of you to be honest and report the tasks accordingly.
  • Each task will show only once in the competition! So if you miss out, you will lose the points forever.
  • Each task has points attributed to them that will count towards your monthly total and ranking.

Does the point system make any sense? Yes!… and No! So enjoy the chaos…  The winners will be announced at the VML XXXMas Brunch on December 15th! Please make sure to come if you are in Vancouver.

For the tasks that need photo/video proof, report them to the Telegram chat! If your privacy is important either do not show your face, or reach out to Greg on Telegram with an expiry view on the chat (optional), explaining what task you are reporting. Your privacy will be respected.

Each week we will have special events to double points and some extra tasks, so make sure to keep an eye on the Telegram chat!

  • If you do not have a penis and/or balls, you are still invited to play
  • Please adapt the tasks to your body.
  • Same with the toys (for example, if the task calls for a suction dildo, a regular one can work too, it might just be trickier)
  • Videos/photos can of course be shared to your discretion, like everyone else.

Start date:
Monday 18th 9am! You can already access the list (please only respond to the survey once a week)

End date:
Sunday December 15th 9am!!!!!! So be sure to fill that week’s report card before then!

We will need time to tally up that last week ahead of the VML XXXMas Brunch at 11am at the Junction. (see below for more information)

Any questions, please reach out to Greg on Telegram!


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